The ultimate source, the friendly face, and the go-to website for all things Lisbon.



Discover the keys to a seamless transition to Lisbon – from visas to vibrant neighborhoods – and embark on your new journey with confidence.


Experience the enchanting day-to-day life in Lisbon, from cozy neighborhoods to local traditions – start living your Lisbon dream today.


Uncover the treasures of Lisbon’s unique charm and make the most of your visit with local insights and travel tips. Discover hidden gems.

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Image of Leila in a Cafe

About Leila

Hi! I’m Rhiannon Leila. Rhiannon doesn’t sound so nice in Portuguese, so I go by Leila here. A Nashville native, I discovered Portugal in 2019 and fell in love with this beautiful country and its people, and I’ve been here ever since.

Leila in Lisbon was born from a love affair with this enchanting city and a desperate need for reliable support. My journey emigrating to Portugal was stressful and lonely, and it revealed a lack of accurate and up-to-date resources for those who wished to make a life here. So now I am aiming to help bridge that gap.

It it my mission to provide reliable and easy-to-understand information for relocating to, living in, and exploring Lisbon. To share the highs and lows of navigating life in another country, not just the highlight reel. Leila in Lisbon is about making your Lisbon dreams a reality with insights and tips from someone who’s been there.

Welcome to Leila in Lisbon. I’m so excited to have you along for the ride!

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce efficitur accumsan quam, non sagittis lectus lacinia non. Etiam pretium mi elit, at interdum libero sollicitudin vel.

Lorem Ipsum

Nulla justo lacus, faucibus non vestibulum in, pretium in arcu. Vestibulum ac arcu fermentum, iaculis felis vel, dignissim orci. Vivamus viverra orci a sapien fermentum rhoncus. Nam fermentum feugiat est, semper mattis dolor lobortis ut. Praesent finibus, lorem sollicitudin tempus consequat, mi ligula efficitur massa, sed ullamcorper lorem ipsum ut est.

Lorem Ipsum

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec et purus ac quam dapibus iaculis. Donec venenatis euismod justo sit amet tempor. In eget leo varius, placerat est nec, lacinia ligula. Suspendisse ac porta erat, ac blandit dui.

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Leila walking in Lisbon
© Leila in Lisboa, LLC